Workers Compensation

6. Death benefits: Payments to your spouse, children or other dependents if you die from a job injury or illness. If a worker dies because a job injury contributed to his or her death, the worker's spouse, children or other dependants are entitled to death benefits. Death benefits currently vary up to $320.000.00 (perhaps more if the worker left minor children).

I realize and understand that your relationship with your employer is very important to you. I will everything I can to insure that your relationship with your employer remains friendly, amicable and intact so you can return to work if you can and wish to do so.

If, however, your employer harasses you, fires you or discriminated against you for having file a workers' compensation claim, then you have a right to file an additional claim under Labor Code Section 321a which provide for additional penalties of $10,000.00 plus a 50% increase in benefits.

Making a false or fraudulent workers' compensation claim is a
felony subject to up to 5 years in prison or a fine of up to $50,000
or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or by both
imprisonment and fine.

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415.898.6475 / (707) 986-8678 (TORT)